Water Analysis
  • IG8140

    The IG8140 type four in one fixed online gas detector is a multi-function, intelligent and fully automatic detection instrument that is installed at a specific detection point 24h, which continuously detects gas concentration. The instrument has the ...
    » Product details
  • IG8100 HCL

    ig8100 reihe von chlorwasserstoff erkennung alarm ist ein produkt auf die nutzer mit hohen anforderungen, komplexen umfeld und hohe anforderungen an die leistung des gerätes.das gerät nimmt der ig ist einzigartig - und entschädigung, technologie, und...
    » Product details
  • IG8100 H2S

    IG8100 series of hydrogen sulfide detection alarms are aimed at high requirements and rings
    A user tailored to a complex user with high requirements for its own performance.
    Money products. The instrument adopts the unique sensor and compen...
    » Product details
Water Analysis
E-mail: Germany@igenu.com  Tel: 49 (0) 9 35 89 00 24  Fax: 49 (0) 9 35 89 00 15
IGENU company (igloo, referred to as IG)