Water Analysis
  • IG30Two-channel controller

    IG30 dual-channel controller is the general operating platform of the IGENU SCIENCE digital sensor system, which can automatically identify sensor types and provide calibration, configuration and diagnosis functions. Wid...
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  • IG3000RDO

    IG3000RDO online dissolved oxygen analyzer using fluorescence measurement, dissolved oxygen sensor top covered with a layer of fluorescent material, when the blue light from the sensor to the ...
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  • IG3000SS/Sol

    IG3000SS/Sol Suspended solids/sludge concentration analyzer sensor is based on infrared scattering light technology, that is, the infrared light emitted by the light source will scatter when p...
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  • IG3000PH/ORP

    IG3000PH analyzer sensor is a digital composite electrode composed of precious metal indicator electrode and reference electrode. PH measurement is based o...
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Water Analysis
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IGENU company (igloo, referred to as IG)